Thursday, October 29, 2009

Lady October

Lady October

October wears a dress of orange

She's letting it slide down her shoulder
It seduces me, the dark wood
As I watch the way she moves
Spreading herself out across the land

I've tried to paint her, but she's
A complicated girl
Some would say she's dangerous
Conspiring with the coven
Lending a hand to the witches

I believe all the lies, understand the truths
She's here with me, blowing me kisses
Filled with brightness on the leaves
Her damp scent is luring me
Her dark charms I cannot resist

Her black hair slides around
Her deep red smile
Set perfect on her yellow face
I admit she is like no other, she is full
Of a vibrant heart that cannot be contained

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Blue Jean Jesus

Blue Jean Jesus
He comes to speak to me
He's riding in an old Black Mustang

Cigarette Burning,
From his well placed lips
T-shirt's in tow, and a song on the radio

Blue Jean Jesus
says we'll be alright
He's got a blue collar job, like you and I

He's dusty, his scent
A mixture of old and freshly cut wood
Calloused hands take hold of mine

Blue Jean Jesus
He comes to visit me
He talks to me, and his company I keep.