Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Is it me?

Is it me that sees the world like this, or is there really something wrong?
Should I be laughing when I'm crying, or am I upside down?
Are your shouts just words of love, said very very loud?
When I whisper, am I shouting for you to come to me?

Am I really me, or am I just another woman?
Do you lie awake, because of love, or because I'm a burden?
When I speak to you do you hear, or am I just a noise?
Do you see this pain, or am I alone in this war?

Can I help, or is it all a worthless drawn out waste?
Can you and I unshape this past, and make it something new?
Or do we have to put up with it, and let it shape us instead?
Please, let us open up so we're not both shut out a door.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010



so unexpectedly you lead me forward on this path

pulling me to things dear, and then

ripping me into places of fear.

Shadows on the horizons, light on my face

Let me lay down my head a bit

can you let me have a rest?


leave your heartaches outside my door

bring them not into my home

come instead to feast and toast

Let the light bring forth love and joy

slice through the pain, and heal

set my course towards peace.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Lady October

Lady October

October wears a dress of orange

She's letting it slide down her shoulder
It seduces me, the dark wood
As I watch the way she moves
Spreading herself out across the land

I've tried to paint her, but she's
A complicated girl
Some would say she's dangerous
Conspiring with the coven
Lending a hand to the witches

I believe all the lies, understand the truths
She's here with me, blowing me kisses
Filled with brightness on the leaves
Her damp scent is luring me
Her dark charms I cannot resist

Her black hair slides around
Her deep red smile
Set perfect on her yellow face
I admit she is like no other, she is full
Of a vibrant heart that cannot be contained

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Blue Jean Jesus

Blue Jean Jesus
He comes to speak to me
He's riding in an old Black Mustang

Cigarette Burning,
From his well placed lips
T-shirt's in tow, and a song on the radio

Blue Jean Jesus
says we'll be alright
He's got a blue collar job, like you and I

He's dusty, his scent
A mixture of old and freshly cut wood
Calloused hands take hold of mine

Blue Jean Jesus
He comes to visit me
He talks to me, and his company I keep.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Autumn's Cries

is running
to the back
of the cathedral

is shouting
for us all
to Awaken!

What Autumn Did

(an excerpt from "She's Facing Me")

There he stood

Staring Autumn in the face

As she moved her hips, and sighed

She blazed there before him

Like a candle burning with the sun

Then with broken whispers, she moved him.

Monday, August 31, 2009

The Damaged Spot

I'm wandering, as I'm thinking
I'm thinking maybe some things are two sided
I wonder as I wander what the consequences would be
If my heart would release all the damage
I've been holding back
I think that maybe the damage has been done
I think that maybe my wanderings have left a part of me
It has been twisted and gnarled by the wayside

I think maybe as I wander I should pick my self up
I think I should with hold the damage
I think though, not in my heart
I will make a new vessel, a coffin, a resting place
I will still all the damage, forever in a grave
I will bring it flowers to remind me it was there
I will not let it speak, instead...
I will find a new voice, blowing on the wind
It will heal, it will nurture, and I will rest
I will be safe, not left to wander, but to sleep in a place with angels